Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Counting Change

We had a nice weekend of being together as a family.  I keep trying to remember what we did and it's so foggy.  I know that Douglas tried his hand at Fish and Chips.  First I typed foots and chips.  This is why it takes me so long to write or post something new.  I have to go back and back. Imagine eating foots and chips?! Ha ha!  Anyway, it was pretty good.  I'm not a big fan of any other fish than Salmon.  He makes a pretty good fish and chips though!

We like to go thrifting and I found a new to us game called Jargon.  Have you heard of it?  It's a word game.  A bit like scrabble but a lot different.  Ugh!  English has always been my strong area. I wanted to be a high school English teacher. In this game, you can use any kind of word. There are no rules on that. Doug told me that we can use acronyms.  I said, "Oh! Like Jews?"  He said no and laughed because it just seemed so wild to him and he wasn't sure why I had yelled that..  I said yes and started to argue. He asked what I meant and so I tried to explain and he couldn't understand because my explanation wasn't making sense. I started naming off all the proper nouns I could think of.  He finally understood what I meant and gently explained what an acronym was to me. I felt so dumb. Sometimes I feel like myself and other times I can notice and feel that I'm slipping. I also bought a matching game some day last week.  I've been playing that and it takes me forever if I'm doing it by myself.  With someone else it is a little easier.  I know that's because there are not so many matches to find.  It is the cutest little Peter Rabbit matching game.  It doesn't make me feel like such a child when I look at the pictures.  Sometimes I feel stupid.  That's not the right word.  I can't think of the word but maybe you just know what I mean.  I hope that no one sees my collection of children's games and thinks I forgot to grow up.

I'm going to look in my journal to see what happened these past few days. I'm glad that I keep one. I have to make quite an effort to do so. Oh!  On Sunday, we tried a calmer church for Gracie's sake.  We're trying to find an active church with a youth group.  What an adventure we had!  We walked into one and immediately walked back out.  I felt a little bad for doing so, but it was absolutely NOT anywhere we wanted to even sit down in.  Sometimes you just know! We were going to go home but I just really wanted to go to church. So, we saw a Methodist church and decided to attend their 11 o'clock service.  The people were so very friendly.  It's too far away, but there is one in our small town and we are thinking about trying that. We'd really like to find a church in our community.  I feel like that's important.  We are a few miles away from a very big city and there are more churches than I can count there.  I believe in being a part of the community you live in.

It's been a long couple of days.  I haven't been sleeping very well.  Waking up in the night or early in the morning and not being able to go back to sleep. I keep jerking awake or making sounds and I wake myself up.  I have sleep apnea and where my cpap every night. I wear the little one that goes only over my nose. When I talk or have my mouth open with it on then breathing is funny. It's ridiculous. I haven't been able to take the naps that I need to because I need to take my children to appointments and college.  My husband helps as much as he can and I am so grateful.  He has to work and so I try not to have to need him so much.  I know that if I do not get the rest that I need I will not be able to function as well as I can and I don't want to be driving like that.  Lance and Grace are working on getting their driver's permits.  Lance needs to get his license as soon as possible. 

Yesterday, I was going to pick Leif up from college and take Lance to a doctor's appointment. I went into my change jar and counted what I thought was $2.16.  I was going to get them each a one dollar soda from McDonald's.  I remembered that the last time I counted change I got so confused that I needed my husband help to count $1.08.  I was so proud of myself this time.  I knew that I had counted and counted again and that I had it right.  I showed Lance and he just looked at me.  I knew from his gentle expression that something wasn't right so I had him show me.  I had $1.46.  I said that couldn't be right and asked him to count again.  He did and showed me.  I felt so embarrassed and he was so kind.  He said, "It's okay, Mom." which seems to be the phrase of every day around here.

I feel like I'm always counting the change.  Noticing the shift of dynamic between my children and I.  Noticing the change in how my husband looks at me and treats me.  I notice everything right now. It isn't that it's all bad and what are people supposed to do.  It isn't just me that this is happening to. It's them.  I don't want to be treated like I'm sick.  I want to be treated like I'm still very much Jhona.  I don't want people to do everything for me while I can still do it.  I don't want people to talk down to me or to explain things to me just because they think I won't get it or understand it.  I can understand it. I might not be able to explain myself very well and it might take a little longer for us to have a conversation, but I'm still here for God's sake.

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